surge - определение. Что такое surge
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Что (кто) такое surge - определение

SURGE; Surge (disambiguation); The Surge (episode); Surge (comics); Surge (film)

¦ noun
1. a sudden powerful forward or upward movement: tidal surges.
2. a sudden large temporary increase.
3. a powerful rush of an emotion or feeling.
¦ verb
1. move in a surge.
2. increase suddenly and powerfully.
3. Nautical (of a rope, chain, or windlass) slip back with a jerk.
C15 (in the sense 'fountain, stream'): the noun from OFr. sourgeon; the verb partly from the OFr. stem sourge-, based on L. surgere 'to rise'.
Sorter, Updater, Report Generator, Etc. IBM 704, 1959. Sammet 1969, p.8.
·noun A spring; a fountain.
II. Surge ·vi To slip along a windlass.
III. Surge ·noun The motion of, or produced by, a great wave.
IV. Surge ·vi To Swell; to rise hifg and roll.
V. Surge ·noun The tapered part of a windlass barrel or a capstan, upon which the cable surges, or slips.
VI. Surge ·noun A large wave or billow; a great, rolling swell of water, produced generally by a high wind.
VII. Surge ·noun To let go or slacken suddenly, as a rope; as, to surge a hawser or messenger; also, to slacken the rope about (a capstan).



Surge means a sudden transient rush or flood, and may refer to:

Примеры произношения для surge
1. surges' inundation.
Solving our Transportation Crisis _ Stuart Cohen _ Talks at Google
2. Let's surge.
Meb for Mortals _ Meb Keflezighi _ Talks at Google
3. Instincts surge.
In the Pleasure Groove - Love, Death and Duran Duran _ John Taylor _ Talks at Google
4. surges, right?
Work with Me - The Blind Spots Between Men and Women in Business _ John Gray _ Talks at Google
5. a low surge
Примеры употребления для surge
1. Of course the surge, the so–called surge, was able to pacify certain parts of Iraq.
2. "It‘s got to be a civilian surge as well as a military surge.
3. By Andrew Gray WASHINGTON, Dec ' (Reuters) – When is a surge not a surge?
4. Watch Graham say the surge is working» "We know the surge has worked," Graham said.
5. Surge or no surge, the work that contractors do there remains highly dangerous.